Sunday, January 23, 2011


"So what sounds better? Fairy dust or Angel dust?" I asked my wife, "Neither!" she said.

Apparently, despite my respectable gentlemen about town character, she thought I was talking about drugs. I went with Fairy in the end and the hard life a fairy has cleaning up all the magic dust she excretes throughout the day. A topic not covered in Peter Pan but possibly in one of the Tinkerbell spin-off animations. If it isn't covered it should be. Fairy dust is a b!tch.


  1. Hmmm...I feel the same way about cleaning as her expressive face. Lol! I stopped cleaning to follow my creative flow this week and I think my home looks like this picture. Is it an artist thing?! At least that's my excuse. Here's to having a wonderful week ahead, with or without cleaning. :)

  2. Ha! So great, her face sure says it all.

  3. Love it James! Fairy dust IS better.... nice choice and nice illustration!

  4. Ha, great illustration, you made me smile!
